Financials Page
This page organizes job financial information for ease of viewing and understanding.
The Financial page consists of the following sub-tabs:
- Overview includes graphical and numeric overview of the job.
- Job Details includes basic job details such as job name, job number, rate card, owner, and overall deadlines.
- Time includes internal time budgeted by phases, tasks, and milestones. It displays both the estimated and actual time.
- Expenses includes estimated and actual expenses.
- Purchases includes estimated and actual purchases.
- Billing includes billing the job and bill history.
You can navigate using breadcrumbs and by scrolling through records.
Display the Financials Page
You can display the job and its related information by doing one of the following:
- Creating a job via .
- Using the Job Search via
to display the job Financials page.
. You can hover over the job number and then click the
- Using the Task Search via
to display the job Financials page.
. You can hover over the job number and then click the
- Clicking the job number on any screen in the application.